479 research outputs found

    Primers registres d'Attagenus (Attagenus) lobatus Rosenhauer, 1856 (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) per a Catalunya (nord-est de la península Ibèrica)

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    Se cita Attagenus (Attagenus) lobatus Rosenhauer, 1856 per primera vegada a Catalunya. Els espècimens van ser capturats mitjançant mostrejos efectuats en el marc del programa de conservació preventiva del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, aplicat a la detecció d'insectes perjudicials per a les col·leccions zoològiques. S'aporten dades fenològiques i alguns comentaris sobre la presència de l'espècie en medi urbà. La seva distribució coneguda a la península Ibèrica s'amplia cap al nord-est.Attagenus (Attagenus) lobatus Rosenhauer, 1856 is recorded for the first time in Catalonia. Specimens were captured by sampling methods as part of the preventive conservation programme of the Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, intended to detect harmful insects for zoological collections. Phenologycal data and some remarks about the presence of the species in urban environment are provided. Its known distribution in the Iberian Peninsula is enlarged to the northeastern

    Sobre tres derméstidos de Les Planes de son i la mata de València (Pirineo de Lleida), nuevos para la fauna de Cataluña (Coleoptera: Dermestidae)

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    Se citen per primera vegada per a Catalunya (nord-est de la península Ibèrica) tres espècies de dermèstids: Paranovelsis incognitus (Háva, 2003), Megatoma (Megatoma) ruficornis Aubé, 1866 i Trogoderma glabrum (Herbst, 1783). La citació de M. (M.) ruficornis representa, a més, la segona per a la península Ibèrica. Els exemplars foren recol·lectats a les Planes de Son i la mata de València (Alt Àneu, Pirineu de Lleida), en hàbitat forestal, mitjançant l'ús de trampes aèries amb atraient. S'aporten dades faunístiques i ecològiques de les tres espècies i s'actualitza la llista de dermèstids de l'àrea d'estudi.Three dermestid species are recorded for the first time from Catalonia (northeastern Iberian Peninsula): Paranovelsis incognitus (Háva, 2003), Megatoma (Megatoma) ruficornis Aubé, 1866 and Trogoderma glabrum (Herbst, 1783). Record of M. (M.) ruficornis is, moreover, the second one from the Iberian Peninsula. Specimens were collected from Les Planes de Son i la mata de València (Alt Àneu, Pyrenees of Lleida), in forest habitat, using aerial attractive traps. Faunistic and ecological data are provided, and the list of the Dermestidae of the zone is updated.Se citan por primera vez para Cataluña (nordeste de la Península Ibérica) tres especies de derméstidos: Paranovelsis incognitus (Háva, 2003), Megatoma (Megatoma) ruficornis Aubé, 1866 y Trogoderma glabrum (Herbst, 1783). La cita de M. (M.) ruficornis representa, además, la segunda para la Península Ibérica. Los ejemplares fueron recolectados en Les Planes de Son i la mata de València (Alt Àneu, Pirineo de Lleida), en hábitat forestal, mediante trampas aéreas con atrayente. Se aportan datos faunísticos y ecológicos de las tres especies y se actualiza la lista de derméstidos del área de estudio

    Firsts records of Attagenus (Attagenus) lobatus Rosenhauer, 1856 (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) for Catalonia (northeastern Iberian Peninsula)

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    Se cita Attagenus (Attagenus) lobatus Rosenhauer, 1856 per primera vegada a Catalunya. Els espècimens van ser capturats mitjançant mostrejos efectuats en el marc del programa de conservació preventiva del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, aplicat a la detecció d’insectes perjudicials per a les col·leccions zoològiques. S’aporten dades fenològiques i alguns comentaris sobre la presència de l’espècie en medi urbà. La seva distribució coneguda a la península Ibèrica s’amplia cap al nord-est.Attagenus (Attagenus) lobatus Rosenhauer, 1856 is recorded for the first time in Catalonia. Specimens were captured by sampling methods as part of the preventive conservation programme of the Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, intended to detect harmful insects for zoological collections. Phenologycal data and some remarks about the presence of the species in urban environment are provided. Its known distribution in the Iberian Peninsula is enlarged to the northeastern

    Conserved and distinct roles of kreisler in regulation of the paralogous Hoxa3 and Hoxb3 genes

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    11 pages, 8 figures.-- et al.During anteroposterior patterning of the developing hindbrain, the anterior expression of 3′ Hox genes maps to distinct rhombomeric boundaries and, in many cases, is upregulated in specific segments. Paralogous genes frequently have similar anterior boundaries of expression but it is not known if these are controlled by common mechanisms. The expression of the paralogous Hoxa3 and Hoxb3 genes extends from the posterior spinal cord up to the rhombomere (r) 4/5 boundary and both genes are upregulated specifically in r5. However, in this study, we have found that Hoxa3 expression is also upregulated in r6, showing that there are differences in segmental expression between paralogues. We have used transgenic analysis to investigate the mechanisms underlying the pattern of segmental expression of Hoxa3. We found that the intergenic region between Hoxa3 and Hoxa4 contains several enhancers, which summed together mediate a pattern of expression closely resembling that of the endogenous Hoxa3 gene. One enhancer specifically directs expression in r5 and r6, in a manner that reflects the upregulation of the endogenous gene in these segments. Deletion analysis localized this activity to a 600 bp fragment that was found to contain a single high-affinity binding site for the Maf bZIP protein Krml1, encoded by the kreisler gene. This site is necessary for enhancer activity and when multimerized it is sufficient to direct a kreisler-like pattern in transgenic embryos. Furthermore the r5/r6 enhancer activity is dependent upon endogenous kreisler and is activated by ectopic kreisler expression. This demonstrates that Hoxa3, along with its paralog Hoxb3, is a direct target of kreisler in the mouse hindbrain. Comparisons between the Krml1-binding sites in the Hoxa3 and Hoxb3 enhancers reveal that there are differences in both the number of binding sites and way that kreisler activity is integrated and restricted by these two control regions. Analysis of the individual sites revealed that they have different requirements for mediating r5/r6 and dorsal roof plate expression. Therefore, the restriction of Hoxb3 to r5 and Hoxa3 to r5 and r6, together with expression patterns of Hoxb3 in other vertebrate species suggests that these regulatory elements have a common origin but have later diverged during vertebrate evolution.This work was funded in part by Core MRC Programme support and a EEC Biotechnology Network grant (#BIO2 CT-930060).Peer reviewe

    Desarrollo de un gestor de bases de datos NoSQL distribuido

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    Esta memoria describe el diseño y desarrollo de un nuevo motor de bases de datos NoSQL distribuido, que hemos llamado Treeless, diseñado y desarrollado por el autor de este trabajo. Este motor tiene como objetivos principales la eficiencia, disponibilidad, escalabilidad y simplicidad. Se ha desarrollado un sistema NoSQL de tipo clave-valor dado que esta clase de sistemas encaja adecuadamente con los requisitos. Dichos requisitos son el fruto de la utilización de nuevas tecnologías como el Big Data y la computación en la nube, y han desplazado a otros requisitos como la consistencia de la información. Para el desarrollo de este trabajo se ha estudiado detalladamente el documento Dynamo: Amazon’s Highly Available Key-value Store. En él se describen las principales técnicas y motivaciones inherentes al motor Dynamo, un motor de BDs de tipo llave-valor con alta disponibilidad. Para el desarrollo de Treeless se ha seguido el modelo de consistencia eventual, con la política Last Writer Wins. Muchas de las técnicas usadas en Treeless difieren de las usadas en Dynamo, pues se han tratado de simplificar algunos mecanismos como el método de reparación asíncrona, entre otros. En esta memoria se analizan las diferencias, ventajas y desventajas de cada uno de ellos. Las principales funcionalidades implementadas en Treeless son: particionado estático basado en funciones hash, rebalanceo automático del sistema, mecanismos de reparación (read-repair y reparación asíncrona), protocolo de heartbeat tipo gossip basado en resúmenes, buffering y operaciones CAS. Se han desarrollado dos algoritmos novedosos, que se describen en esta memoria. El primero trata la coordinación necesaria en la realización de operaciones CAS en un entorno distribuido. El algoritmo no es tolerante a particiones de red, generando resultados incorrectos cuando ocurre esta situación, pero sí es tolerante a fallos permanentes en los nodos. La implementación del algoritmo ha sido validada mediante tests. El segundo es una extensión a las sumas de verificación (checksums), que permite determinar si dos o más réplicas están suficientemente sincronizadas. El concepto de sincronización suficiente, así como el algoritmo creado para tal efecto, se introducirán en el apartado Los resultados han sido satisfactorios, especialmente en cuanto a rendimiento. En este aspecto se han alcanzado valores similares a los obtenidos por Redis.This Bachelor Thesis describes the development of a new NoSQL database management system, so-called Treeless. The engine targets efficiency, availability, scalability and simplicity. These requirements, products of the Big Data and the Cloud Computing, induce the usage of a key-value system. The previous work Dynamo: Amazon’s Highly Available Key-value Store has been very useful in the analysis, design and development of Treeless. Dynamo developers describe in this paper most techniques and motivations behind its DB engine, a high availability key-value store. We followed the eventual consistency model with the Last Writer Wins policy. However, most techniques present in Treeless differ from the ones used in Dynamo, we have made several simplifications. The advantages and disadvantages of these differences will be analyzed. The fundamental implemented techniques are: static partitioning based on hashing, automatic rebalance, repairing techniques (read-repair and asynchronous repair), gossip protocol based on digests, buffering and CAS (Compare And Swap) operations. Two novel algorithms are proposed. The first one is used to coordinate the system in CAS operations. The algorithm is not partition tolerant. However, it tolerates permanent node failures. The algorithm implementation has been tested. The second one is an extension of checksums that allows us to determine if two or more replicas are synchronized enough. This concept, the algorithm and the implementation are discussed in section We have achieved positive results, especially in the performance section, with similar throughputs to those of mature NoSQL systems like Redis

    Evolutionary genomics of the recently duplicated amphioxus Hairy genes

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    Amphioxus Hairy genes have gone through a number of lineage-specific duplications, resulting in eight members, some of which are differentially expressed in the embryo. In order to gain insights into the evolution and function of this gene family we have compared their genomic structure and searched for conserved non-coding sequence elements. We have found that introns have been lost independently from these genes at least twice and after the duplication events. By carrying out phylogenetic footprinting between paralogues expressed in the embryo, we have found a differential distribution of conserved elements that could explain the limited overlap in expression patterns of Hairy genes in the amphioxus embryo. Furthermore, clustering of RBP-Jk binding sites in these conserved elements suggests that amphioxus Hairy genes are downstream targets of the Notch signaling pathway, as occurs in vertebrates. All of this evidence suggests that amphioxus Hairy genes have gone through a process of subfunctionalization shortly after their duplication, representing an extreme and rapid case of the duplication-degeneration-complementation model

    First derivative-supervised pattern recognition for the flow-injection spectrophotometric discrimination of s-triazines in water

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    A new spectrophotometric method is presented for the automated differentiation of chloro- (0.5 to 5.0 mg/mL), thio- (0.5 to 5.0 mg/mL) and methoxy-triazines (1 to 10 mg/mL) in water samples. Classification models obtained by K-nearest neighbours, Soft Independent Modeling of Class Analogy, and Partial Least Squares-Discriminatory Analysis were constructed from zero order and first derivative absorption spectra as independent variables, in the spectral range from 210 to 270 nm. Binary responses were used as classifying variables (with/without certain group of triazines). With this dichotomous structure, parameters related to 2x2 contingency tables were used to evaluate the performance of the models. For tap and well water samples, sensitivity and selectivity values equal or higher than 50 % were obtained from autoscaled first derivative spectra, discriminated by Partial Least Squares-Discriminatory Analysis


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    “CORIFEO.- ¡Oh habitantes de mi patria Tebas, mirad: he aquí a Edipo, el que solucionó los famosos enigmas y fue hombre poderosísimo; aquel al que los ciudadanos miraban con envidia por su destino! ¡En qué cúmulo de terribles desgracias ha venido a parar!” Edipo Rey

    La idea de espacio en la arquitectura de Le Corbusier: La Villa Shodhan

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    La idea de espacio evoluciona a lo largo de las etapas de la arquitectura de Le Corbusier y su estudio Sèvres 35. En cada lugar, donde el arquitecto actúa, se enfrenta a culturas a las que debe responder de diferentes maneras; así como, condiciones climáticas extremas que generan problemas específicos y provocan la búsqueda de nuevas formas que resuelvan los retos planteados. Las condiciones particulares de cada lugar y cada cultura, el empleo de lo tecnológico o lo vernáculo, las métricas, el programa, los clientes¿ sumado a la experiencia de propuestas anteriores, acompañados de sus escritos y reflexiones, nos permitirán indagar en cómo se construye la idea espacial de un caso de estudio concreto, la Villa Shodhan, anterior casa Hutheesing, en su periodo de proyecto desde 1951 a 1956.The idea of space evolves throughout the stages of Le Corbusier's architecture and his study Sèvres 35. In each place, where the architect acts, he confronts cultures to which he must respond in different ways; As well as extreme climatic conditions that generate specific problems and cause the search for new ways to solve the challenges posed. The particular conditions of each place and each culture, the use of technological or vernacular, metrics, program, clients ... added to the experience of previous proposals, accompanied by his writings and reflections, will allow us to investigate how is constructed the spatial idea of a specific case study, Villa Shodhan, formerly Hutheesing House, in its project period from 1951 to 1956.Abellaneda Manzanares, FM. (2017). La idea de espacio en la arquitectura de Le Corbusier: La Villa Shodhan. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/111006TFG